Archive is a Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts database dedicated to providing up to date records of professional Boxers and Mixed Martial Artist. Data by Numbers: 20,000 + MIXED MARTIAL ARTISTS 80,000 + MMA EVENTS 600,000 + BOXERS 4,000,000 + BOXING EVENTS 180 + YEARS OF DATA ... is a Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts destination dedicated to capturing up to date Professional Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts News, Interviews, Video & more. Behind the Scenes is our world class team of industry writers and experts who love combat sports. We’re here... is our combat sports fight prediction platform that we've spent years developing. Our intuitive and engaging platform; combined with our trove of combat sports data, powerful machine-learning applications & proprietary combat sports predictive algorithms; unify, enrich and deliver real-time insights to combat sports enthusiasts...